Sunday, February 7, 2016

.                                        HINDUISM

Hinduism is one of the major religions of the world which does not call for any introduction. It has no founder, no beginning and neither the end. Hinduism is more than a religion, it is consciousness. Although  It is mainly associated with India but Hindus ,like Indians can now be found all over the world. Religion is known for its epics, customs, stories and what not. So this article is mainly based to celebrate the magnificence of Hinduism and not intended to hurt anyone’s sentiments.

1.The glory of epics- Hinduism is widely known for its great epics. Whether it is the story of Lord Rama in Ramayana or the largest of them all Mahabharat, each one of them gives its readers a chance to be wise. These subtle teachings are eternal. Alike Shakespearean play they represent our society and human nature irrespective of the time.

 Apart from that, Bhagvad Gita and its teaching is also acknowledged throughout the world by people irrespective of their religion. Various translations are being done in order to make it comprehendible by the masses. Although no one can arrive at a particular meaning of those words. Gita give  its readers what they actually want, what they ask for. It seems like it has all the answers. It helps the seeker to look within.

Prior to epics there were Vedas, Upanishads. Although we may get them now in written form, various translations of them are also available but that was not the case in the first place. In the yore, it was taught orally i.e it was a oral tradition that passed through generation and ages until it found its form in writing. This tells us about how old and great the religion is.

2.The glory of yoga- Hinduism has always been associated with practice. Its not the end but the path that is of value. This religion is often associated with yoga, meditation, spirituality. This helps a human being to relax his body as well as mind and feel one with the God, just like inter-being .Practice is what constitutes the religion since the word Religion comes from the Latin word religio which consists of two words, viz., re (back) and ligare (to bring or bind).

Yoga, now more pronounced than ever has its origins in Hinduism. People from all over the world come looking for “authentic” yoga gurus in the Himalayas. India is called a land of gurus, sages, sanyassins and yoga is the reason for that.

Thanks to various campaigns that its importance is felt now more than ever.

3.The glory of freedom- Hinduism gives it followers a lot of freedom. They have the right to make their own choices based on their conscience and reasons. Also, you have the freedom to choose your own god. There is huge variety of over 33 crores gods. There was a time when population of India was less than deities we have. You can also worship Ravana. Although we see Ravana as the villain of Ramayana but he is revered at few places. These people have their own reasons to worship him.

Religion does not define right or wrong in any of its scriptures. If you go through the story of Mahabharat in detail, it is observed that Duryodhana although was the wrong-doer but he never concealed his intentions unlike Dhritrashtra who came out to be hypocrite. Even Guru Drona, Bhishma Pitamah could not differentiate between the right or wrong. Krishna also used deceptions and evil means for victory. In essence it tells about the dynamic nature of human being. No person is totally right or wrong, evens the gods.

4.Glory of customs- Hinduism gives its followers many reasons to celebrate. This has more to do with togetherness in the society than just rituals. We have festivals in almost every  month. Some big festivals like Holi, Diwali, also there are regional festivals like chhath puja popular in Bihar,Uttar Pradesh, pongal, onam etc.

These festivals are full of colors, they are very rejuvenating. Since nothing is complete with the food, so this gives a chance to gourmet within us to enjoy as well. Unlike other religions which are limited to few festivals, Hinduism offers you a lot, innumerable Gods, the obvious reason.

So these are few points that make Hinduism, a great religion in itself.

1 comment:

Yogi Saraswat said...

Well written ! Hinduism is the only tradition which show the path to others without hate . Good post